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Stock Voucher

Stock Voucher


  • DeNations “Stock Voucher” is a stock exchange voucher in DENA. “Stock Voucher” will be rewarded to landowners of DeNations Land.
  • The stock value of the “Stock Voucher” moves along with the real stock price. When the holder claims the stocks of the “Stock Voucher” NFT, the DENA token will be paid to the holder in exchange for the NFT.
  • To maximize the amount of reward in DENA, the “Stock Voucher” holder should strategically decide on when to claim.
  • “Stock Voucher” is only valid for 180 days and can be traded on Opensea before the expiration date.
  • The stock price in DENA corresponds to the following trading day’s closing price of the application date. DENA price will be based on CoinMarketCap. The DENA price snapshot will be taken at the closing time of the claimed stock.* Application date is based on UTC timezone.
  • DENA will be delivered within 14 days after the application date.

Stock Voucher NFT Opensea